Službene internet stranice Općine Jasenovac

Općina Jasenovac
Općina Jasenovac smještena je na krajnjem sjeveroistočnom dijelu Sisačko-moslavacke županije. To je nizinski prostor kontinentalne klime, okružen rijekama Trebežom, Savom, Unom i Strugom, sa svojih deset naselja smještenih na 168,5 km2.
Geografski položaj
Naselje Jasenovac udaljeno je samo 8 km od čvorišta Novska na X paneuropskom koridoru Posavske autoceste Ljubljana- Bregana- Zagreb- Lipovac.


After derivation of preparatory work, surveying and staking, work on the construction of infrastructure in the Agroindustrial zone in Jasenovac has been started.

The first phase of work includes construction of stormwater and fecal sewage system.

Work is performed by Kapitel d.o.o., company from Ivanić Grad the best bidder under the local open tender procedure for works with whom the  Municipality of Jasenovac as signed the contract for infrastructure work in the Agroindustrial zone in Jasenovac and modernization of access road..

Project "Completion of infrastructure and modernization of access road for new jobs in Jasenovac" is financed by the European Union within the IPA IIIC – BRI grants for business infrastructure.